Postpartum Health

Motherhood is a bliss, but the drastic transformation that a woman’s body undergoes can be tough. The joyous arrival of your newborn can be life-changing, and you’d instinctively want to devote all your time and energy to caring for the little one. However, postnatal care for a new mother as well as the infant is extremely crucial.

During this period, your body starts to heal itself; hence, the first six to eight weeks are incredibly delicate. This is why utmost care should be taken in maintaining good health during this phase. Postpartum is a period of physical as well as hormonal changes. Your body will be trying to return to its pre-pregnancy state and starts regulating your hormones to prepare for the lactating stage.

Therefore, there are multiple things that you need to take care of, which Dr. Monika Grover, a postpartum specialist, can help you with.

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Postpartum Health FAQs

What is postpartum care?

Postpartum or postnatal care involves immediate healthcare services and preventive care provided to a new mother immediately after birth until about six to eight weeks. Postpartum health in New York is highly valued as many new mothers today recognize the importance of prevention, early detection, and consulting experts for any postpartum concerns. In addition, as a woman’s body undergoes continuous physical and emotional changes, postpartum care providers focus on assisting the new mothers through this transition.

What type of postpartum care do we provide?

Our postpartum care includes

  • Postpartum Physical Care. Among all the physical changes and adjustment a new mother has to make, caring for a newborn might be the most challenging one. Hence, we provide professional assistance, breastfeeding counseling, a physical exam to ensure the scar is healing properly, etc. This can also be called external care as the body has undergone severe exertion no matter how the baby was delivered. Therefore, our medical professionals take special care to facilitate complete healing of the body.
  • Postpartum Internal Health Care. A new mother’s body is extremely vulnerable and prone to any postpartum infections and complications. Thus, Dr. Monica Grover provides routine checkups and preventive care to help lessen postpartum pain and soreness.
  • Postpartum mental care. After a long and exhausting childbirth, there is a significant change in hormones. Apart from the joy of welcoming a baby, there are many other emotions that may affect the mental health of the new mother. Some of the common after-effects of postpartum symptoms are depression, feeling hopeless, and empty, which need regulation through counseling. At Asira Medical, we provide effective treatment and care to help new mothers manage symptoms such as baby blues, and bond with the baby.

Is postpartum care necessary for all mothers?

All new mothers must visit their OB & GYN for routine checkups after childbirth. In our experience, many new mothers who sought postpartum care reported it to be a pleasant transition. The importance of Postpartum Health Services in New York is undeniable. Every new mother should consider postpartum care for their general health upkeep after giving birth.

Asira medical houses the best Postpartum Maternal Care Specialists in Manhattan, New York. If you have any questions about postpartum care, please contact us for further information.



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